Here is my tribute to Mom Burch, Kurt's grandmother. I feel blessed to have known her and although our children don't really remember her I do remember Mom Burch getting them on her lap and reading to them. She lived a life I am not sure many women could live today. She was good at everything, canning, cooking, sewing, raising chickens and even sheep herding. Her danish pasteries were so yummy Kurt used to go sneak them out of the freezer and eat them cold! Kurt's love of flowers comes from spending summers with Mom Burch and watching her tend her garden and teach him his first flower lessons. When we first got married we moved in her house and payed her $50 a month to live there. It was fun because we went to work painting it and making it our own first house. That year we lived there produced the best tomatoes we have ever grown and the biggest zinnias you have ever seen. She sewed my temple apron as well as Kurt's and hers is the pattern I have used ever since in hopes that her good life will continue to influence our family.
Mmmm, this is making me crave those little knotted wonders of butter! I only remember bringing chocolates to Mom Burch in the rest home, even though she wasn't "allowed" to eat them.
To be loved for what one is, is the greatest exception. The great majority love in another only what they lend him, their own selves, their version of him. Goethe
Mmmm, this is making me crave those little knotted wonders of butter! I only remember bringing chocolates to Mom Burch in the rest home, even though she wasn't "allowed" to eat them.
I think of her fondly every time I use her spatula. I look forward to the day when I can hear the stories of her life from her own lips.
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