I wonder what it is like having no beginning and no end, where age isn't an issue. A couple of days ago a young student of Ashley's told your father and me that she couldn't wait until she was old so she could just sell her house and move anywhere she wanted. Then in choir on Sunday I was late, actually I completely forgot choir practice or that we were singing, and quickly ran up to the stand to sit with the choir. I told the lady next to me that I really spaced it. She said, "I can't wait until I am 50 so I can say that." Well, really. So the above picture is how I really feel. I used to think I felt like I was 25 but that is no longer true. I feel like I am that short banged little girl. I am just spacey and moving where I want. That is all.
Mom, good for you! I have always admired that quality in you. You don't put limits on yourself. I love you!
I love you, too. I sometimes wonder why I am in charge of these 4 little girls when I'm still a little girl myself. You have many fun adventures ahead of you!! Hope they bring you geographically closer to us!
May I move with you?
What is age? What is woman? These are also questions I am grappling with. And I think you can be spacey and 29 or 2 1/2 as easily as at 50-something (:
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