Well, if you know anything about hooking, you know about Harry Fraser and his fabric cutting machines--plus other necessary accouterments for hooking rugs. EVERYONE knows the Fraser cutters. I am not sure anyone else makes these machines. So, perhaps you will understand my shock at finding the Fraser Company right here in North Carolina! Well, not right here, but Stoneville, North Carolina, an hour and a half drive from Durham. On our way home from visiting the Jones's in Reston, Virginia, we call Helen from the Fraser company and ask when they close. Well, she says, when will you get here? Yes, Helen kindly told me to call her when I got to their place and she would run over, because she was right next door. We arrive and she comes driving in on her golf cart, nearly scared me to death for some reason. She shows us in and I ask a few questions and I get the whole history of this place--how her parents bought it from Harry Fraser in 1974 and how her dad just died two months ago because he was a bleeder and couldn't be operated on so her brother didn't get the will in time and now they are going to court. There are three sisters and one brother. Evidently they all are mad at Helen because, according to her, all they want is the money and don't care a ---- about the business. Helen wants to keep it going, probably because it is her only income. I found out you need cash to buy anything at the Fraser Company and we didn't have enough. She gave me everything and said she would send a bill. Now that is a great business! Thanks, Helen.
TAH DAH! The Harry Fraser Rug Making Equipment Company
Here is Helen trying to show me how the loop frame works.
All these rugs were hooked by Helen's mother who died a few years ago.
But Helen's grandmother is still alive at 98! She is taking care of her.
Paper rug design patterns
Wool for sale
Can you believe how wide this monks cloth is?
The 3-D Hooked Lady with pearls.
You were like a kid in a candy store.
It was fun to be in on the raid.
like the 3-D lady!
Business isn't like this anymore. I bet you had so much fun!
That 3-D lady is to die for!
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