Elder Knudsen with canned silkworm larva and fork, ready to dive in!
Elder Cooper and Elder Muntifering inspecting the larva before they eat them
Elder Cooper finally gets up the nerve to put them in his mouth but barely keeps them down!
So Elder K and I loose the Korean game we are playing with Lyla, Anna and Elders Cooper and Muntifering. The reward? Eating silkworm larva! Whoopee! I refuse but Kurt volunteers. After Kurt bravely eats one, the Elders cannot be upstaged, so, they too volunteer. And Lyla laughs at all of us and blissfully goobles them down!
They are quite frightening to look at. They resemble the underside of a cockroach, same color, same ribs. The smell and taste is something I don't want to experience again. Anyone want us to bring you home a can?
I liked to picture Lyla giggling while she popped them in her mouth.
A mission wouldn't be complete without those "guess what I've eaten" experiences.
ewww! bun-dae-gi.
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